Melody in Nigerian English: A case study of students from the University of Uyo


  • Nkereke M. Essien Department of English, University of Uyo
  • Amaitem M. Udo Department of English, University of Uyo



Isochronism, Melody of Language, Pitch, Rhythm


This work examined the melody of language in Nigerian English. Specifically, the study aimed at examining rhythm, isochronism, pitch and perceived stress as they pertain to Nigerian English. Twenty reM.spondents were selected from among the students of the University of Uyo, through simple random sampling technique, with ten, tested on rhythm (with isochronism and pitch) and the other ten tested on word stress (with pitch). The subjects' performances were recorded and the data analyzed using simple percentage. The theoretical framework for the study was Metrical Phonology. The findings include: Nigerian English is mostly spoken with syllable-timed rhythm; isochronism in Nigerian English is on syllables and not just stressed syllables and there are instances of isochronous and non-isochronous rhythm; and there are words with differing stress placement in Nigerian Englsh.

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How to Cite

Essien, N. M., & Udo, A. M. (2024). Melody in Nigerian English: A case study of students from the University of Uyo. Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project, 5.