Nomenclatural Processes of Plant and Animal Names in Itu Mbon Uso


  • Friday Emenka UDE
  • Willie Udo WILLIE


Onomastics, Itu Mbon Uso, phytonymy, zoonymy, language


This paper focuses on the description of plant and animal names in Itu Mbon Uso. The work examines the linguistic and semantic implication of plant and animal names in Itu Mbon Uso and the processes used in naming them. Scientific names for plants and animals are official and acceptable globally. In Itu Mbon Uso language, these plants and animals have their indigenous names. This research adopts the descriptive method and data were elicited from thirty-five (35) respondents who were selected through a stratified sampling method. The analysis reveals that plants and animals are named, identified and classified based on shared characteristics. In Itu Mbon Uso, plants and animal names reflect the proportion of the grammatical and semantic structure of Itu Mbon Uso language, culture and beliefs. The study further shows that plants and animals are named based on their habitat, appearance, geographical  adaptation as well as other salient characteristics. The research is useful to scholars, linguists, students and the general public in Onomastics and recommends further research extensively on interdisciplinary fields between language and natural environmental studies. 

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Author Biographies

Friday Emenka UDE

Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages
University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State

Willie Udo WILLIE

Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages
University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State


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How to Cite

Emenka UDE, F., & Udo WILLIE, W. (2019). Nomenclatural Processes of Plant and Animal Names in Itu Mbon Uso. Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project, 1. Retrieved from