Phonological processes in Ọrọ compound nouns


  • God’spower Etim Department of Languages and Communication Abia State Polytechnic P.M.B. 7166, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria


Compounding, compound nouns, syllable weight, moraic phonology, internal structure, phonological processes


This paper deals with the phonological processes that occur because of compounding in Ọrọ. The author concentrates on two processes – consonant weakening and assimilation. The data for the study were elicited from three selected native speakers of Ọrọ  using the 1700 SIL Comparative African Wordlist, as well as a structured wordlist. The data were carefully coded and transcribed for  analysis. Analyzing the data within the moraic phonological framework clearly brought out the modifications that segments undergo,  thereby making explicit, the alteration in the syllable internal structure of the compounds as maintained in this paper. From the results  of the analysis, the phonological processes entail that Ọrọ phonotactics play a major role in defining structurally preferred  lexical items in the Ọrọ language. It is therefore opined that compounding in Ọrọ is defined by the phonotactic constraints of the  language.  


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Author Biography

God’spower Etim, Department of Languages and Communication Abia State Polytechnic P.M.B. 7166, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria






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How to Cite

Etim, G. (2022). Phonological processes in Ọrọ compound nouns. Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project, 4, 45–57. Retrieved from